This was my mother’s last lesson to me.
She died of a rare neurodegenerative disease that depletes the brain until it can no longer support life.
One of her joys in life was coffee. Like many of us, she enjoyed it every morning. When hurricanes knocked out our power (because, Florida) we made coffee on the grill outside. She loved it.
In just a handful of long months the neurodegenerative disease had done much of its horrible work and my Mom struggled to form words or carry on a conversation.
One morning I made her regular coffee and brought it to her. She worked hard to form her thoughts and words, looked at me, and slowly said, “I can have a little and you can have a lot.”
I think about that moment all the time. I spoke about it at her funeral. I am writing about it here because it summed up so well the example she set for years.
We can enjoy many blessings in life. And we can generously share them.
I can have a little and you can have a lot. There is such wisdom in those words.
We incorporate this thinking into how we play financial defense and financial offense.
Joseph Heller understood something similar — that we can have Enough.
Written with fond memories of Mom.
She gave her testimony shortly before she passed away, which can be watched here.
Last updated: 2022 (v1)